Scenario name: Castronovo et al. (Setup B1: aerobic) - (00000) Scenario description: Scenario date: 2017 Scenario type: SLUDGE The scenario contains the following Additional Information: Name: Source of liquid matrix (sourceofliquidmatrix) Value: Effluent WWTP Unit: Name: Purpose of WWTP (purposeofwwtp) Value: municipal WW Unit: Name: Location (location) Value: WWTP of Koblenz (Germany) Unit: Name: Redox condition (redox) Value: aerob Unit: Name: Biological treatment technology (biologicaltreatmenttechnology) Value: nitrification & denitrification Unit: Name: Total suspended solids concentration (TSS) (tts) Value: 1.64 - 1.64 Unit: g/L Name: Final compound concentration (finalcompoundconcentration) Value: 30 Unit: μg/L Name: Inoculum source (inoculumsource) Value: nitrification basin Unit: Name: Acidity (acidity) Value: 7.0; Unit: pH Name: Type of Aeration (typeofaeration) Value: stirring Unit: Name: Bioreactor (bioreactor) Value: amber glass bottle, 500.0 Unit: mL Name: Type of aeration (aerationtype) Value: mixed by magnetic stirrer Unit: Name: Sludge retention time (sludgeretentiontime) Value: sludge retention time;12.0 Unit: d Name: Temperature (temperature) Value: 23.0;27.0 Unit: °C